Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy Frakkin' New Year!

Hello internet void (and a couple of loyal followers, you know who you are).  I've found recently that I've neglected my wee blog here.

I'm sorry.

Well, sort of... I mean I'm out there living life, and you can hardly blame me for not writing about it since I don't get paid for this... yet... (please send money, so i can buy more stuff that is worthy of being written about).

I wanted to say "HAPPY NEW YEAR"!  2012 is going to be awesome.

I've FOUND a great guy. Or rather he found me. (Thank you Bry-man) I less than three you very much. :)
I've also found a new appreciation for nerd/tech culture. This includes Twitter (follow me @JCurllz), where I follow such fabulous peoples as 'the blogess' and William Shatner; D&D where I get to go on adventures as an Eladrin Wizard who dabbles as a sword mage! I can't believe I haven't been playing this game my whole damn life. It's right up my day-dreaming alley! :) (I also have a small addiction to collecting dice); Board games including "Killer Bunnies", "Munchkin", and "DOMINION!" (caps cuz it's epic); and lastly..... Battlestar Galactica.

Um... let's take a moment to recognize the talents of the writing and actors in the great, wonderful, crack-equivalent BATTLESTAR GALACTICA!!! (caps again.... epic).  I love this show. Seasons 1 & 2 have been immensely satisfying, and now so many references on "The Big Bang Theory" make more sense! Plus I love the smile on Bry-man's face when I say "Frak". ;)

See all of the things I've found in 2011 that will inevitably make 2012 incredible?!  And see why I've had no time to type about them? No? Oh.... oh well, I've satisfied myself with my explanation. :D HAPPY NEW YEAR, here's to next years adventures!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Con•sid•er•ate .... Do YOU know what it means?

Careful not to cause inconvenience or hurt to others.
thoughtful - attentive - careful - heedful - delicate
This is a public service slap in the face!

Wake the fak up and take others time and effort seriously. Consideration of others could allow peace on earth, ... I'm just saying!

Spock says double thick peace.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

SF deuce

So on our first night I mentioned that we did a little pub crawling. It was later calculated that we patroned at a minimum of 6 drinking holes and had an impressive 8 pints (in roughly as many hours).

The most memorable of these was first Lori's Diner. Where the food is affordable and de-lish, and the plastic cows are flush on their affordable HUGE selection of beers, local breweries and imports! It's set in an old fashioned diner theme, with working table juke's! I love authenticity!!

Second in our hearts was a bigger tropical looking place (Chevy's Fresh Mex) that really didn't cater to our beer cravings, but it held our San Fran jewel - Ruth!
RUTH!!! @ Chevy's

Major shout out honey, YOU KNOW GOOD BEER!!
She offered us what she had, and we were satisfied with it for sure (Negra Modelo & Bohemia Clasicia). But we left with a napkin full of the best beers to try, and the best places to find them.
I'm actually more than surprised that we could decipher the chicken scratch on that napkin the next day! Thank god we did, as it led us (unknowingly at the time) to our final beer splurge at Toronado's on Friday night!

Ruth was the best server I've had at any customer driven establishment I've been to in what can only be described as an embarrassingly long time. (what the hell happened to customer service in our generation???!! For shame all of your freaking entitlement.) she was delightfully engaging, and made some really great beer suggestions.

It was Devils night in SF our last night in town. We met with my f00f friends at a little sushi hole. (add in even more beer) we tried in vain to visit a seemingly 'open' Citizen Cake (apparently the BEST cake anywhere, apparently.... ) but were denied even a wee to-go piece for the out-of-Towners....i guess we may never know if the stories are true. BOOOOOO CC.

You should be embarrassed CC! You still had several tables seated, where is the difficulty of 'serving' two more pieces of cake and THEN kicking us to the curb, with a GOOD experience on our belt instead of me shaking my head at your pompous attitude! To go's should never be denied, it's a quick bit of extra money for the till, low maintenance service required and likely a tip for serving when you're supposed to be closed....that's good business.
Buena Vista Beeeeeeeauty!

Oh well eh?! This led to us cabbing to a random late night cafe for a sugar rich piece of cake. (I declined hoping for more beer). The f00fers had to depart, but not before they led us right to Toronado's where we got to try the rather supercalifragilisticexpialidocious Russian River 'Pliny the Elder' and 'Blind Pig' IPA's.... YUMMMMMM. ( So Miss Ruth, THANK YOU! and
Russian River Brewery, THANK YOU.... (though your awesomeness has limits! tbc....)

Made it to the second line of
Peanut butter and Chocolate.
In Summary, we also: Went to and toured Alcatraz (do this), went to Punchlines for - Fags n'Hags (do this too - despite the no-love comment to the Bi community!). Tried to visit some old barracks that were turned into a porn studio (failed to do, but tried really hard!). Went to Ghiardelli Square and shared half an orgasmic Peanut Butter Chocolate sundae (do, but wrangle up at least 4 people for the ice cream orgy!). Went to the Buena Vista cafe for a yummy Irish Coffee (do, and watch the bartender's when they get a full order!). Walked to the curvy road. (do, if you happen to be walking by, otherwise...meh). Took a ride on the cable car. (do, if you have the time, but buy a regular bus pass, apparently it's cheaper and a transfer applies).

Anyways, I love you San Francisco. I found my heart there, but y'know what, I took it with me.

Literally one of the best days of my life!!!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

I <3 San Fran (Part 1)

WOW! What a town that San Francisco!!

A few years ago, about 5 now I'd say. One of a circle of friends (henceforth named "f00f") was seduced by the multi-faceted city of San Francisco.  He is addicted and sticking around..... can't really say I blame him!

Only a few short years later, a second of the f00f gang was seduced by victim 1 and the city! :) She's really finding herself in this city. Given that it welcomes all kinds with apparent open arms, I shouldn't be surprised. It's wonderful to see her blossoming like that.

I met my Bry-man in the downtown core at about 1 pm on Tuesday. My head turned every few seconds looking at the giant shops, the community of homeless people meeting up in buzzing groups, the huge range of styles people were dressed, in a rainbow of colors. Giant signs to eat here, stay there, buy this; but set subtly into some of the most beautiful old preserved architecture I've seen in a long time. (Ahem, Vancouver... please stop tearing everything old down).  Demonstrated by a store at the base of Powell and Market street (Forever 21 I think).  It looked like the rich and famous would shop there, so grand was the entrance of columns. And the sandstone windows in the shop reached for the sky, exposing chandeliers and transparent curtains that ran on and up, seemingly forever.

We were staying in a place called "The Fitzgerald". I arrived and they called Bryan down to meet me. After all, I am a shady character... forget that i know his name and room number... I'm a STRANGER. Well, I learned later that we are actually staying near a super shady part of town called the "Tenderloin", (bahahaha!) so it made sense that she would scrutinize me! In actual fact, it was disclosed to us that we were staying in the 'Tender Nob' which is an area right in between the "Tenderloin" and "Nob Hill" (a more refined neighborhood). The "Tender Nob" is a 'sensitive' place....almost like the 'neutral' zone in Star Trek. We were treated pretty well by most of the locals, even though we did pay a few bucks here and there for directions...

We were on the 6th floor, and they had this real funky elevator that was like a converted closet, and the el-car would drop about a 1/2 inch every time we'd get in (hold me Bryan!). We took the stairs that first time, and that was it... from then on when we went upward, it was the closet elevator for us! Afterall, SF is a great place to walk, and we really worked our glutes and thighs as we explored. Thank god too... because just about every time we stopped walking, we were drinking some wonderful craft beer and stuffing our face a bit..... TBC....
Whatdya think? Take an hour to walk this off? Worth it!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Penile Airport

Can you say that your cities airport is shaped like a penis? I can!

Headed to San Fran today (popping my SF cherry!!) to meet up with Bry-man, Have had my morning coffee a la Starbucks, with the incomparable toffee nut syrup, and took the Canada line to the airport, which I like to call the 'sardine can'.

Got my self all checked in and scrutinized at customs. "I'm a good girl, I swear!!!" ;) I passed! Yay, now I may continue my vacation.

Headed to my gate, 81, which incidentally you'll note falls just on the side of the rounded ... Er... tip. ;p

I'm so mature sometimes, I shock myself ;p hahahaha

Sunday, October 23, 2011

The Christmas virus is spreading!

Holy shit, I can't believe my eyes! Christmas is everywhere already, and we haven't even got through the best holiday yet (second only to Thanksgiving because you don't get a day off) Halloween!

I frickin' love getting dressed up. It's my very favorite thing! So naturally it bothers me some that people are jumping ahead.

But not only that, that's an issue more personal to me. Aren't we ALL feeling a bit sick of Christmas by the time it arrives? Purely from over-exposure and desensitization?

I remember when listening to holiday music and decorating was *barely* acceptable at the beginning of December, now the stores throw-up Christmas all over us from the beginning of October!? The month that is supposed to be dedicated to playing dress-up and frickin' candy!! For shame!

Still, despite my appall I found these frickin' beautiful little bowls that will do just wonderfully for dips and what not when I entertain, and they were only $2.99 each.

I'm trying not to beat myself up too much for letting myself get sucked into the Christmas sickness... It is ok because it was such a good deal ;p

I will avert my eyes from now til the end of at least November!! You won't get me again Christmas Virus!!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Salsa and mozzarella Chicken!

DAMN! thank you Bryan's Mom!!

Wonderful things happen with two Chicken Breasts! We added some fresh diced garlic under a mild salsa. Then topped with grated mozza. Only half of what was grated made it to the chicken. I like my cheese!!

Pop 'er in the oven at 350 for about 40 minutes. And throw whatever you like on the side!

In this instance, we had the ever trendy (and really tasty) quinoa. And steamed veg. :)

Happily a $10 bottle of BC wine was gracing my fridge, so we unscrewed that... And finished half before the chicken was done.

With company like my Bry-man, and a great dish before me... I was in pie-eyed heaven. The whole evening was concluded with half a Lindt 85% dark chocolate bar.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Pure joy!

Wanna experience something that gives me pure joy?  Watch the beginning of 'how to marry a millionaire'!

It showcases the talents of a full orchestra, playing all types of movie sound fx! I mean it! Their music induced such a clear picture of just the type of movement it might accompany or enhance in a movie. A saucy saunter (enter Marilyn Monroe) introduced with bassy strings and horns. Representing a quick moment of panic, here come the scampering sounds of the winds section accompanied by percussion....

Oh my goddess, please give special attention to the percussionists in the background; keeping everything bouncy and lively. Reminding me of Tom & Jerry cartoons!

Big powerful strings and horns, playful clarinet solo's! Just amazing how well they can tell an active, moving, flowing narrative with their music. Quite admirable.

Anyways... Pure joy! Music AS storytelling!!! I hope you like, but I don't care if you don't. ;)

By the by, if you happen to like the intro, stick around for the whole movie! Now available on NETFLIX!

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Thanksgiving - the Foodies holiday!

My parents don't do Thanksgiving. At least not in the traditional sense. They will certainly take the day off without blinking an eye, but when it comes to the true purpose of Thanksgiving (Food) they opt out!!


So when Bryan texted and said 'let's cook dinner' my brain went off! I pulled out the tried and true holiday recipes for stuffing et al. and we hit the grocery store!

Quick menu looked like this:
-Homemade cranberry sauce
-Vegetarian stuffing (w/ apple, dried cranberries, crushed pecans and mushrooms)
-Roasted vegetables with a Herb Cheese sauce
-TURKEY breast (there was only 2 hours to cook everything so we couldnt do a full bird y'see)
-Pumpkin spice cake (pre-made but DEEEE-LICIOUS and easier)

We got to cooking, and discoverd we made a good team. In that we both felt we should first eat a Reese Peanut Butter BIG CUP.... because we were hungry from all of that food shopping and recipe hunting... and then we cracked beer one and got down to serious cooking. (insert bong hit)

Half way through, we discovered that we were making WAY too much food for the two of us. So called my sister up and asked if she could make it over in an hour or so to help us eat. She assured me she wouldn't miss it!

It was a great meal (which will be repeated for three days WOO LEFTOVERS), and I managed to get a nice table set JUST in time for sis to walk through the door. Don't you just love when a (last minute) plan comes together? ;)

Proud of a good spread. NOW LET'S EAT BITCHES!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Pancakes are the clear winner of Saturday breakfast!

I have an eye for presentation, and an ability to cook (sometimes with the assistance of 'mixes' ;) which is why I have an issue with expensive breaky places.

Not expensive, and the simple arrangement will impress any sleep over guests to no end!

-own a small hand held sifter (icing sugar, cocoa, cinnamon can all be sifted over the plate for effect and extra flavor!)
-always have fresh fruit (or at the very least frozen) in the house. It's f'n good for you m'kay?
-pancake mix is awesome when you are in a last minute pinch! Add your own flavor with cinnamon, mush up a banana in with the mix or throw in a handful of berries!

Treat yourself as a guest too sometimes!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Can think of no better start than...

Well well meow.... I never thought I'd be popping my blog cherry with such a find! (I will be more specific in a sec)

As I state in my title, I want a place to showcase my many hats (not just a metaphor!) and to post things that I find in random shops around Vancouver and beyond.(because I love to shop when I travel!! You'll see!)

The first rad-tastic item I wish to post about resulted in immediate desire to shout and exclaim "look what I fuckin' found at a conference for municipal governments!!!" from a high high place, (preferably one that was obtained by narcotics because the others are a lot of work to climb!) lazy sometimes ya know.

The fellow behind the table sporting these was a supporter of all animals with fur (  quite an important cause actually!!), and in particular beavers. He couldn't possibly know how suggestive his button was, which made me all the more supportive of him and the button I now held in my hand!!! *Fur bearer defenders HO*!

I grabbed one for my bestie Bry-man, because I know HE will want to wear it proudly! And one for me because it's a little something to make me smile when all else fails.... Of course all of the joy is in the fact that the message has been twisted by my dirty mind! *hehehehe beaver* C'mon that one was easy!.... just about everything is dirty when you really think about it, but you rarely let your mind go there... or do you? ;)

It's the little things.... especially in this instance!