Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy Frakkin' New Year!

Hello internet void (and a couple of loyal followers, you know who you are).  I've found recently that I've neglected my wee blog here.

I'm sorry.

Well, sort of... I mean I'm out there living life, and you can hardly blame me for not writing about it since I don't get paid for this... yet... (please send money, so i can buy more stuff that is worthy of being written about).

I wanted to say "HAPPY NEW YEAR"!  2012 is going to be awesome.

I've FOUND a great guy. Or rather he found me. (Thank you Bry-man) I less than three you very much. :)
I've also found a new appreciation for nerd/tech culture. This includes Twitter (follow me @JCurllz), where I follow such fabulous peoples as 'the blogess' and William Shatner; D&D where I get to go on adventures as an Eladrin Wizard who dabbles as a sword mage! I can't believe I haven't been playing this game my whole damn life. It's right up my day-dreaming alley! :) (I also have a small addiction to collecting dice); Board games including "Killer Bunnies", "Munchkin", and "DOMINION!" (caps cuz it's epic); and lastly..... Battlestar Galactica.

Um... let's take a moment to recognize the talents of the writing and actors in the great, wonderful, crack-equivalent BATTLESTAR GALACTICA!!! (caps again.... epic).  I love this show. Seasons 1 & 2 have been immensely satisfying, and now so many references on "The Big Bang Theory" make more sense! Plus I love the smile on Bry-man's face when I say "Frak". ;)

See all of the things I've found in 2011 that will inevitably make 2012 incredible?!  And see why I've had no time to type about them? No? Oh.... oh well, I've satisfied myself with my explanation. :D HAPPY NEW YEAR, here's to next years adventures!