Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Penile Airport

Can you say that your cities airport is shaped like a penis? I can!

Headed to San Fran today (popping my SF cherry!!) to meet up with Bry-man, Have had my morning coffee a la Starbucks, with the incomparable toffee nut syrup, and took the Canada line to the airport, which I like to call the 'sardine can'.

Got my self all checked in and scrutinized at customs. "I'm a good girl, I swear!!!" ;) I passed! Yay, now I may continue my vacation.

Headed to my gate, 81, which incidentally you'll note falls just on the side of the rounded ... Er... tip. ;p

I'm so mature sometimes, I shock myself ;p hahahaha

Sunday, October 23, 2011

The Christmas virus is spreading!

Holy shit, I can't believe my eyes! Christmas is everywhere already, and we haven't even got through the best holiday yet (second only to Thanksgiving because you don't get a day off) Halloween!

I frickin' love getting dressed up. It's my very favorite thing! So naturally it bothers me some that people are jumping ahead.

But not only that, that's an issue more personal to me. Aren't we ALL feeling a bit sick of Christmas by the time it arrives? Purely from over-exposure and desensitization?

I remember when listening to holiday music and decorating was *barely* acceptable at the beginning of December, now the stores throw-up Christmas all over us from the beginning of October!? The month that is supposed to be dedicated to playing dress-up and frickin' candy!! For shame!

Still, despite my appall I found these frickin' beautiful little bowls that will do just wonderfully for dips and what not when I entertain, and they were only $2.99 each.

I'm trying not to beat myself up too much for letting myself get sucked into the Christmas sickness... It is ok because it was such a good deal ;p

I will avert my eyes from now til the end of at least November!! You won't get me again Christmas Virus!!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Salsa and mozzarella Chicken!

DAMN! thank you Bryan's Mom!!

Wonderful things happen with two Chicken Breasts! We added some fresh diced garlic under a mild salsa. Then topped with grated mozza. Only half of what was grated made it to the chicken. I like my cheese!!

Pop 'er in the oven at 350 for about 40 minutes. And throw whatever you like on the side!

In this instance, we had the ever trendy (and really tasty) quinoa. And steamed veg. :)

Happily a $10 bottle of BC wine was gracing my fridge, so we unscrewed that... And finished half before the chicken was done.

With company like my Bry-man, and a great dish before me... I was in pie-eyed heaven. The whole evening was concluded with half a Lindt 85% dark chocolate bar.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Pure joy!

Wanna experience something that gives me pure joy?  Watch the beginning of 'how to marry a millionaire'!

It showcases the talents of a full orchestra, playing all types of movie sound fx! I mean it! Their music induced such a clear picture of just the type of movement it might accompany or enhance in a movie. A saucy saunter (enter Marilyn Monroe) introduced with bassy strings and horns. Representing a quick moment of panic, here come the scampering sounds of the winds section accompanied by percussion....

Oh my goddess, please give special attention to the percussionists in the background; keeping everything bouncy and lively. Reminding me of Tom & Jerry cartoons!

Big powerful strings and horns, playful clarinet solo's! Just amazing how well they can tell an active, moving, flowing narrative with their music. Quite admirable.

Anyways... Pure joy! Music AS storytelling!!! I hope you like, but I don't care if you don't. ;)

By the by, if you happen to like the intro, stick around for the whole movie! Now available on NETFLIX!

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Thanksgiving - the Foodies holiday!

My parents don't do Thanksgiving. At least not in the traditional sense. They will certainly take the day off without blinking an eye, but when it comes to the true purpose of Thanksgiving (Food) they opt out!!


So when Bryan texted and said 'let's cook dinner' my brain went off! I pulled out the tried and true holiday recipes for stuffing et al. and we hit the grocery store!

Quick menu looked like this:
-Homemade cranberry sauce
-Vegetarian stuffing (w/ apple, dried cranberries, crushed pecans and mushrooms)
-Roasted vegetables with a Herb Cheese sauce
-TURKEY breast (there was only 2 hours to cook everything so we couldnt do a full bird y'see)
-Pumpkin spice cake (pre-made but DEEEE-LICIOUS and easier)

We got to cooking, and discoverd we made a good team. In that we both felt we should first eat a Reese Peanut Butter BIG CUP.... because we were hungry from all of that food shopping and recipe hunting... and then we cracked beer one and got down to serious cooking. (insert bong hit)

Half way through, we discovered that we were making WAY too much food for the two of us. So called my sister up and asked if she could make it over in an hour or so to help us eat. She assured me she wouldn't miss it!

It was a great meal (which will be repeated for three days WOO LEFTOVERS), and I managed to get a nice table set JUST in time for sis to walk through the door. Don't you just love when a (last minute) plan comes together? ;)

Proud of a good spread. NOW LET'S EAT BITCHES!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Pancakes are the clear winner of Saturday breakfast!

I have an eye for presentation, and an ability to cook (sometimes with the assistance of 'mixes' ;) which is why I have an issue with expensive breaky places.

Not expensive, and the simple arrangement will impress any sleep over guests to no end!

-own a small hand held sifter (icing sugar, cocoa, cinnamon can all be sifted over the plate for effect and extra flavor!)
-always have fresh fruit (or at the very least frozen) in the house. It's f'n good for you m'kay?
-pancake mix is awesome when you are in a last minute pinch! Add your own flavor with cinnamon, mush up a banana in with the mix or throw in a handful of berries!

Treat yourself as a guest too sometimes!