Wednesday, February 29, 2012 I really writing about Twitter?!

Here I sit.... I have NO idea what to write about. I think this is what I like about Twitter really. The thought comes to you, and you tweet it.

I also get to follow all of the random famous people that I usually enjoy from a distance. Not in like a creepy stalking kind of way (well, except for Alan Tudyk -- major heart on for that fella) but like we are good friends, sharing thoughts and photos.

Before I met Bry-man, I ignorantly hated Twitter. Mostly because a friend of mine couldn't peel his eyes off his phone when we arrived in Edinburgh, due to his desperate need to 'tweet' about what we were doing or seeing, or JUST did.

So I decided to shun Twitter, like I had IRC, and anything to do with Yahoo.

I shun these things usually out of a basic need to not further complicate my life. I have plenty of 'things' cluttering my mind, and requiring my attention why add another??

But my BF didn't use any other form of social media, so I decided to follow him on Twitter when we first got together, so I could see who I was getting involved with.

Well, that was successful, and so much so that I now follow our mutual favorites: The Bloggess, Nathan Fillion, Alan Tudyk, Patton Oswalt... and then I added my own tastes in : Krafty Kuts, Neil Patrick Harris, Kevin Smith, etc.... what a slippery slope. Thing is, I can't stand those crazy Re-tweeters and those people who tweet about what they are watching and tweet like 20 times in a row (really people, this is what a blog is for!). The WHOLE IDEA is to get your thought across in 140 characters max (why this number I'll never know). Succinct, specific, short. I like it. It's a great exercise in self-editing... "Is everything I'm trying to type REALLY necessary?"...usually no. Hell, sometimes you'll completely give up on the "tweet", because the moment's passed.

Thank you Twitter, for kicking Facebook's ass because you don't allow people to play stupid barn-yard animal games on you, thereby not creating reasons to bother your old schoolmate from 20 years ago to 'play with me'.

Incidentally, follow me on Twitter if you like! @JCurllz. ;)

Friday, February 24, 2012

Size is almost always exaggerated in memory

I re-visited my preferred cheap eats joint on Thursday before my first class in Technical writing. Thinking that this would enhance my 'student' cred. by eating at a cheap food joint. Of course I basically would have eaten there anyways because I'm a cheap mo'fo, and the beer that I paid 6$ for definitely trumped the savings I would have been trying to achieve were I an actual student on a budget.  Or would it?

Though it was about 8 years ago that I was last in school, I seem to recall buying the 1$ pack of Mr. Noodles at Superstore for dinner, because I was on a 'budget', and then going out and buying a 12 pack of beer for the 3rd time that week. As a student, you quickly learn your priorities.

The Fries were bigger.
Well, there I was sitting down to enjoy my Crispy Chicken Ceaser wrap having craved one ALL day, and when the damn thing arrived, I felt like the blushing virgin on her wedding night who has been fantasizing about the endowment of her man, only to spot a teeny weeny peni. (not that there isn't truth to 'its not the size it's how you use it', creativity props) ... (This is why its always good to inspect goods before committing, btw). Anyways, I had previously given such a glowing review of the Warehouse and it's ceasar wrap when reviewing the cheap eats joints, I felt it only fair to note that the $5.95 wrap at 'Moose' WAS in fact the same size-ish as 'The Warehouse'. It's my duty to give credit where credit is due. Or in this case, just about no credit to anyone regarding size. It's just frickin' lettuce, dressing, a bit of parmesan, a few crumbs of bacon, and maybe some cheap chicken parts, they could afford to be a bit more generous.  Sort of like how I was being generous to The Warehouse. ;)

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Eat on Granville for less than $6.00.... REALLY!?!


There is an interesting trend happening on downtown Granville Street.

Between Helmcken and Smithe, there are (at least) 3 different restaurants that are flaunting menus where all food costs $4.95 (The Famous Warehouse) or $5.95 (The Moose, and The Factory).

I've visited The Famous Warehouse now a couple of times, and the $4.95 menu is rad. However, they now have things on the 'all $4.95 menu' that are $6.95 which is a little annoying, but I am not going to nit-pick when those items are things like 'All you can eat Tacos'.  Good luck getting a table that night!!! The decor was really light and fun. Good tunes were playing, but you could still hold a conversation over it.  A somewhat 'surfer/mexican' feel to the joint. (

At first I was skeptical about what would be on the menu, and what would the portions be like... however I was VERY pleasantly surprised, and will certainly be returning. Since I've been, the menu has changed slightly and the delicious burger with avocado that I had had is no longer on the menu (note: the veggie burger still has the avocado), but the works burgers look preeeeetty darn good! Update a-coming? I think so.

The Moose boasted a $5.95 menu, and theirs also has a couple of items that were priced higher, and one that was lower (soup).  The crispy Chicken Cesar wrap didn't quite live up to the same portion standards I experience at The F. Warehouse, and their fries were MEGA salty... but also pretty tasty being pre-peppered. Still... a bar has been set now for 'frugal-foods'. The restaurant was all but empty at 5:30 on a week night.  They had Winter Ale on tap, so bonus points for them.  Anyone without Winter Ale on tap when available, deserves a bit of a shunning.  The overall feel of the place was similar to that of any run-of-the-mill pub in Vancouver. Rather dull actually.

Lastly I tried The Factory (because I had to make a fair comparison between these fantastically priced venues). Another $5.95 menu... booooo the extra dollar! The environment was obviously more geared toward young grungy rockers (posters of "Eye hate God" on the wall) and music intended for shouting over rather than talking over. It was a pretty fun environment to walk into with my man, sister and mom in tow. WE stood out like big blue thumbs in this place. Bry-man and I ordered beers, and the selection was alright. Mom wanted a glass of wine, and the selection was "White or Red". It came in a tumbler glass. No biggie, mom doesn't put on airs.

- Famous Anaconda
The food.... well this is what they offer: and though I was pining after the linguine or the perogies, I've been trying to shrug 10 pounds, so I went with the Pesto Chicken wrap. It was a far cry better than Moose's Cesar wrap, but it had too much Mayo! Bry-man had the famous Anaconda..... it doesn't come with sides, but the 4 sandwiches in one was more than enough food for a single person. Hell, you had to push it down with two hands to even TRY to fit it in your mouth. It treated him kinda roughly later, so beware if your stomach doesn't a)tolerate grease or b) isn't exposed to it much.

All in all, I think The Famous Warehouse is tops for value, food, and atmosphere.

This bitch is conquered!
Now get out there and get your Cheap Eats on!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Monday .... monday

Ugh. I DID NOT get enough sleep this weekend.

Friday Bry-man and I hosted a friend of ours to a night of board games and drinking. And BOY does he drink. Impressive really. Not that I would be interested in keeping up with him. But it's quite entertaining to watch it occur before your eyes. Until he picks up the sword.... luckily no one was hurt, including my sword.

But yea, stayed up too late playing games, and couldn't seem to sleep in Saturday morning. :( I REALLY love sleep, I do, but sometimes when I know someone else is in my house (such as a drunk friend staying over) I can't be entirely comfortable. I'm always listening to see if they are up. So, I lay awake listening to Bry-man sleep. We bought this insane air mattress for when we have guests over. It's like having a queen sized bed in our living room. I discovered just how comfy it was as I took a test drive on it after we let the sucker blow ITSELF up! :) It has a built in motor. It says we aren't supposed to use it outdoors, but this thing WILL be going into my tent when I go camping. Yay luxury.

Managed a wee bit more shut-eye, before I joined the ladies in my immediate family for a quick outing to Costco. Man-alive I could wander the aisles of Costco for hours. And often do. SOOOOO many bulk items. So many different THINGS I never knew I HAD to have! For instance, there were some beautiful place mats that would match our dining room table (and protect it) 8 for $11.00.  *yoink* and then we came across these Chef mats for the kitchen. I stood on one quickly and BAM, instant relief in my knees and legs. It was blissful, so *yoink* $24.99 and it has a pretty decorative pattern on the waterproof surface that goes nicely in the kitchen. As every trip to Costco does, the bill added up quickly.

We headed to Ladner to play board games with my sister later that evening. And when we got home, I was so tired.....but couldn't sleep.*sigh* Bry-man said he wasn't tired at all, and then proceeded to fall asleep in about 2.5 seconds and I'm sitting there thinking DAMMIT. I wish I could sleep like that when I'm NOT tired. Poor guy was getting sick though, so some snoring kicked in in full stereo. It was about 12:50am before I resigned myself to not beating him up for a window of quiet to slip into my much needed coma. It's not nice to beat up the people you care about.  So I walked into the living room, and set up on the couch. At about 7am, I couldn't sleep all scrunched up any more, and I could still hear sickie through the door, so I watched the final 3 episodes of Battlestar Galactica. So good. So sad it's over. Kara Thrace, and William Adama, and Sol Ty.... I heart you.

By the time Bry-man was up on Sunday, I was starving so, we had some deeeee-lish Sausage and egg sandwiches from Starbucks, and got our lazy on. TRY Starbucks sausage breakie sandwich. I'm hooked. They kick McDs' sandwich in the snatch.

Not that I'd ever complain about having plans, but I truly love a good Sunday off.  We walked to the grocery store and I picked up some ingredients I needed for dinner. I was going to cook Indian again so that we could use up some lovely chutney's I'd made the previous weekend.  I use this wonderful cook book put out by a local Vancouverite : "Everyday Indian: 100 Fast, fresh and Healthy recipes" by Bal Arneson. I've yet to find a single thing in it that ISN'T delicious! It always makes me feel like a Gormet Goddess (which is what my apron says I am) to make homemade roti's first thing in the morning from scratch.

After cooking a huge feast for two, I proceeded to finish our bottle of wine and I completed the campaign (on easy) for Modern Warfare 3. Kicking ass at 'completion'!

And now it's Monday. For a weekend of 'nothing' I'm knackered. Good thing we're going to Vegas this weekend! ;)

Thursday, February 9, 2012

TV got funnier after all of the wine!

I came a-stumbling home Tuesday night and plunked myself down in front of the ole tube to wind down from a fantastic dining experience at Earls. (I'll tell you about it in a sec...first what I watched).  It was awkwardly charming, and the writing was fun. I didn't think I would enjoy it when I had come across it previously, but this weeks episode of "Raising Hope" entitled "Tarot-Reading" was witty and goofy. Enjoyable dialogue, and perfectly random. Great Tuesday TV. Heh, I was so buzzed when I started writing this, I thought it was Friday.... mmmmm Friday.

It was a refreshing change from the rather predictable writing of Hollywood, ahem,.... Alcatraz....
No. Raising Hope delivers curiously nutty lines such as: "Making a living selling ground up pig parts".... and "Oh you're going to Love Africa.... I've only seen it in cartoons, but it looks hilarious...."

Include an uncensored Cloris Leachman in this ensemble of quirky folk, delivering passionate acting, and you have a shit load (what the hell would that BE anyways???) of fun. Perhaps it was because I came at it with NO expectations that I was not disappointed. Perhaps it was the wine. (I'll tell you about the wine in just one sec.... "BUT JENN WE WANT TO HEAR ABOUT THE WINE!!!") I really enjoyed watching this, and just might tune in next Tuesday on City TV if I happen to be home. SO, **Thumbs up**. Thanks for entertaining me.

Now, on to Earls Restaurant, where I was a ViPPPPPPPer treated to some unbelievable hospitality.  We had the Sous Chef (Nick Hrynkiw) at our bidding, and we were introduced to our 3 course meal in detail by himself and the Day Leader (David Vo) before dining. Each course was paired with a delectable, and perfectly chosen bottle of wine, starting with a glass of Yellowglen Pink sparkling wine.

We were even offered the opportunity to participate and roll out and cut our own Gnocchi (the dough of which was made from scratch earlier that day), plus a tour of the prep kitchen.  Each of our hosts demonstrated such pride in their work, and every single bite of food was simply to die for.

So, the Wine:
Charles Smith Wines, "Vino" Pinot Grigio (no other restaurant carries this subtle crisp white wine, but it is available in BCL stores)
-served with a Maple Glazed Salmon Salad

Joel Gott Zinfadel (quite a warming red, with heavy spicy notes)
-served with our Gnocchi with Italian Rose Sauce

Small bites leave big impressions!

and lastly Errazuriz Carmenere "Estate" (From Chile, and my favorite out of the bunch with a slightly lighter spicy flavor, and the presence of a dark cherry notes)

-served with the Porcini Crusted Filet with Truffle Chive Butter...... DROOOOOOOL

They are looking to show off what they can do, and there is something for everyone.

They do a good specialized menu. See what we ate in detail

These were our hosts:
@ 604-682-6700
 David Vo - Day Leader
Nick Hrynkiw - Sous Chef
Stefan Oostveen - Lounge Leader
Margaux Tomac - Marketing Leader

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

SUPERHERO BREAKFAST!!!!! *point a finger skyward*

Frak wheaties, I have been eating this hearty and DELICIOUS, albeit complex, breakfast for over a year now, and I literally never am bored with it. Rather I get a bit sad and pouty if I don't get my superhero breakfast.

Try it, vary it, enjoy.

You will need:
1/4 cup -Bob's Mills 10 grain hot cereal.
3/4 cup -water
1/4 cup -egg whites (I use "Simply Egg Whites")
Spoonful of peanut butter - I use Adams crunchy, because it's gooey love in my mouth
1 -banana
handful of raisins (optional)

oh, and a 1/4 cup measuring device ;P

Put 1/4 cup of 10 grain cereal in a microwavable bowl.  Add 3/4 cup water. Microwave for 4 minutes in your microwave, un-covered.

Add the good-sized spoonful (how much do YOU like P-nut butter???? I like it a LOT!) of peanut butter into the bowl then pour in the 1/4 cup of egg white. Stir vigorously (that means at a decent speed y'all). The cereal will gain a creamy consistency as the egg white cooks. That's why you want to stir vig-er-quickly.

Cut up the banana into bite size pieces and stir into the creamy cereal.... add a handful of sultana's....  *drool* ennnnnnnjoy while warm..... mmmm peanut butter.

Mmmmmmmmmm *gawwwwwl*slurrrrrp*YUM!!!!

Can't wait for breakfast tomorrow!!!!

I've even added a squirt of honey to the mix, and believe me, it adds, doesn't take away. :)

Happy Break-fast. :)


Monday, February 6, 2012

New Series Alcatraz, what a disappointment. READ MY RANT

J.J. Abram's new series 'Alcatraz' (City TV in Canada, Fox in the US) promised to be fabulous.

What an amazing setting and mish-mash of stories to draw inspiration from! Having just visited 'the rock' recently myself, I was thrilled to hear that someone was going to do a series based on the famous prison.

I knew the synopsis to be, that the criminals all disappeared when the prison 'closed' in 1963. I knew that they were shooting in Vancouver, and had RECREATED the cell block in a sound stage.... and I knew that I was hungry to hear more about the random inmates that were housed on the rock.

I am so disappointed.

What the hell is wrong with these writers? The dialogue spouted by the main actors is so flat and cliche. Comparable (in my opinion) to the cheesy lines produced in "CSI:Miami". It feels as though these folks have never EVER watched a cop show before, nor seen cops, nor watched a movie about a federal investigation.

The list of things I find so irritating that I can't even get past the middle of episode 3:

1- The fact that this detective Rebecca Madsen (played by Sarah Jones) is supposedly some genius at solving crimes that she used to help her father solve crimes. Supposedly goes through cop training, moves up the ladder = young detective; and yet when trying to breech a suspects door (knock knock, stand to the side with gun drawn, "OPEN UP IT's THE POLICE") she doesn't get her two 'ride-alongs' to move... um... shouldn't they get outta the way too???
AND when pursuing a suspect on the rooftop, she looks like she is holding a gun for the first time in her life.  Please, if you need a hot woman with pale eyes to play the detective, at least put her through some gun training. OH, and some frakking emoting lessons.

2-Comic book guy (Jorge Garcia) as her new partner??? WTF. This guys supposedly is a Doctor who writes/illustrates comic books, and has previously written a book on the inmates of Alcatraz. Apparently we are led to believe that he is some sort of expert on the place....ok, fine. This is pretty believable. However... what happened to the voices of the FEDERAL F'N AGENTS that have *reluctantly* said "Ok, he can be your partner Detective".
These people have supposedly made this their life's work tracking these disappeared criminal's... yet they know abosolutely NOTHING about them????? Funny how in over 40 years not one of them even thought to read Comic-book guy's book... so he's the expert among them.... This detail is so obvious and disappointing.

When Detective hot-stuff asks a question about the criminals they are chasing, the agents just look coy and then look to Comic book guy to help them out.... WTF.

I could go on. Oh... looks like I'm going to.....

There is no buildup of character so that we give a shit when Lucy Bannerjee (Parminder Nagra) gets shot. It just falls flat in front of us, and we shrug and wonder if she should have been wearing a red shirt for such an early shuffle into a coma. Oh, they TRY to win our affections for her character but fail epically when Sam Neill's character tries to convey his emotions by fondling some of Lucy's personal effects scattered around the 'bat cave'. Blah, everything seemed so 'placed' and stupid. We never saw her wear glasses, we had no time to see her wear a blanket. We know absolutely nothing about her. So who cares, let her die.

I dunno. Look I'm not TV critic, but I know good TV. It's the stuff that usually gets cancelled, or shifted around to shitty time slots. This is bad TV. To me anyways.

LONG LIVE 'COMMUNITY'! - thats good frakkin' TV.

Wanna read some professional critic's reviews of Alcatraz? Here is a spattering of 'em:

Tim Goodman of the Hollywood Reporter

Ken Tucker

Maureen Ryan of the Huffington Post

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Catch 22, Caution: this is of a serious note

Depression is preeeeetty tricky.

We don't want to talk about how helpless, and completely confused we feel about our constant sadness...

Then when we do talk about it, the people we trust enough to 'expose' ourselves to want to help.... But inevitably discover that the depression WE feel has now rendered THEM helpless... and they may show signs of frustration, and irritability toward the situation. It's only natural really... Speaking as the depressed person here, I completely understand how fucking hard it must be to watch someone you love (seemingly inexplicably) beat themselves up. And have your words of encouragement kinda hit brick walls and fall to the floor.

The final catch comes down to the fact that the depressed person now feels guilty for dragging down the one they love, who is trying so hard to support their stupid ass while they figure out why the fuck they are so sad when really life hasn't been *terrible* to them.
Thus feeling that they may have now pushed said loved one to the brink of their patience, and now they may lose the one person they trust and love dearly.

I apologize for how difficult it can be, on all of our behalves.
You mean the world to us, and sometimes, especially on those hard days, we can't outwardly acknowledge how lucky we feel to have you.

A thousand times thank you for your kind and supportive words.<3