Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Today I may buy sweatpants

I have almost never owned sweatpants. Not since I was in control of dressing myself at least. Don't get me wrong, they look over the top comfortable, but I have always been influenced by those who would say that sweat pants mean you've given up. That you no longer care about looking good.

Really? Oh Really?!

Well it just so happens that I am in a bit of a dark place today. My depression is getting the better of me, and I'm feeling more than a bit of self-loathing...and admittedly this comes most from my recent weight gain and the recent 'retiring' of my 'skinny' clothes and the barely being able to squeeze into some of my 'fat' clothes. : ( been there?

It's SUPER frustrating, but I suppose I only have myself to blame... don't I? I've been slack on my exercise regime and playing a LOT of video games (Borderlands 2 is rockin' my world), but I am still eating somewhat healthy. And I don't have a car (because Shirley Bond won't reply to my e-mail) so I do walk everywhere.... why am I ballooning steadily? I mean literally...today my skirt slid down a little and my top up a little so that while I was walking my body was rejecting my clothes... THANK THE GODS FOR A LARGE JACKET.

Anyways, I digress... I have cried 2 times this morning alone...and I'm at work so I need to find a way to make it through the day, right. So I start desperately looking through the '1000 Awesome Things' website and found post "#938 Sweatpants aka track pants aka jogging pants". And it made me smile, and it made me wish that I had a pair of sweat pants to slip into when I get home tonight.

Check it out if you're feeling that your clothes are being mean bullies to you today too.

Chin up...there's always sweatpants.