Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Body Image, just an observation.

I've taken to going for a swim for 20 minutes a day during my lunch hour lately, because with school, and my social life (and my budget) I haven't really been finding time for my regular work outs after work.

Mirrors lie.
Well, while I was in the change room, two stick thin women were talking nearby about the effectiveness of some pills they have been taking TO LOSE WEIGHT! I couldn't believe my ears. Here is me, at 155lbs, about 10 lbs heavier than the ideal body weight for my height, beating myself up about excess body fat every chance I get, and I DON'T read beauty magazines. (preferring sic-fi and fantasy novels thank you very much). Yet here are these girls popping pills to get thinner than their bodies should be. 

Y'know, realistically the only reason I've ever wished I had a different body type was to fit into clothing styles that I really liked. Still, I would never resort to un-healthy means to get there. (well except for my fancy of a beer-only diet) It really made me sad that these girls have what other girls only dream about, and yet still weren't happy. It really made me think about how often I tell myself I'm 'ugly' or 'fat', yet I'm actually quite healthy, and pretty (if I may say), and really, telling myself this terrible stuff isn't HELPING me feel better about my body image. I have to get my perspective fixed. *shake my head, slap my forhead*

Smarten up Bitches.
Just then, a woman in her golden years, full and round, plump and NAKED (respect lady!) comes waltzing by without so much as a wash cloth covering her; and it struck me that women are mis-guided, fucking morons. WHY oh why do we spend so much time in our youth worrying that we aren't: skinny enough or pretty, or how we look in a bathing suit; instead of thinking of what MAKES us beautiful, individually? Ahem: Self-respect, kindness, open-mindedness, empathy, etc.

Each of us, the skinny bitches, the boxy curvy's are going to age, wrinkle and sag. So I've decided to try focusing more on the healthy body I have now, before I'm just another crinkled lass.