Thursday, August 23, 2012

Battle of my bulge

Ah weight gain... FUCK YOU!

ahem, well now that that is out of my system allow me to continue in a more lady-like manner.

I'm on a diet again. Y'see, I was born with an inactive thyroid. The useless gland just sits there, and has caused me many, many years of grief with regards of my weight. It is the roller coaster that I am constantly riding in the background of my life. I go for blood tests regularly, have seen specialists for most of my life and take a pill everyday, the dose of which changes regularly depending on my weight.

Last year, at the heaviest I've been since I was 18 (I was 190lbs at 18, about 160 last year), I was finding that all of my clothes weren't fitting and I was struggling to want to get dressed in the morning; in general I was pissed off at my weak-ass metabolism, and moody. So I started this awesome meal plan that was super simple, and suuuuuper effective. My co-worker had concocted it for himself, then modified it for women, it worked and I loved it.

The Plan: For breakfast I had the superhero breakfast, a protein bar for a snack, 1/2 cup pineapple and 3/4 cup cottage cheese for lunch, an apple and egg for afternoon snack, and then a chicken salad for dinner with a tablespoon of oil and one of vinegar. I ate like this repeatedly for 6 weeks, and lost about 40lbs! I did yoga for exercise about 3 times a week. None of that wimpy 'Yin' yoga, it was allllll about Hatha and Power yoga!

I was in bliss.
I felt amazing!
I wore clothes that I had held onto for yeeeeears and had fantasized about wearing but never thought it was possible. I didn't have 'skinny' clothes, I had 'fantasy' clothes.

I managed to hold onto that weight and fitness for a whole year, and still drink beer! I met and fell head over heels for my BF, Bry-man, and felt sexier than ever!It was so effective that I just kept on eating the meal plan for most of that year.

But then... just when happiness was at it's zenith for me, I went back on the birth-control pill and seemed to balloon over night. BOOOOOOOOO MOTHERFUCKIN HORMONES! Whoa, I lost my calm again!

Yea, I blame the hormones..... combined with Bry's and my love affair with IPA and other craft brewed beers.... combined with that shitty, useless thyroid, and weak-ass metabolism. I just want to scream at them and tell them to wake up, get to work, earn your keep!

Well, I'm back up to about 160lbs (it's approximate because I loathe scales and prefer to base my happiness on what fits vs. my weight). And now I'm giving myself 28 days with no booze, dairy and super minimal sugar to see if I can get back into at least some of the new clothes I bought while fit in the last year.

I'm following this fellow's basic diet on I'm on day 4, and I'm doing good. Eating healthy, looooots of water, and actually not craving any of the stuff that I've cut out. The fantasy of fitting back into clothes I love is a very strong motivator.

All of that said... it's frustrating to think that if I want to be happy and eat and drink the way I'd like to, I will just go back to the same weight. I enjoy big Indian dinners, paired with a nice wine, pizza, burgers, beer.... but alas... my metabolism keeps putting in Workers Comp claims and the work keeps piling up in it's absence.

Gosh, it'd be nice to plateau for longer than a year so I could keep just ONE wardrobe! :)

I'll keep you posted on my success. I'm feeling pretty good right now, but haven't noticed any weight loss. Probably because I make HUGE salads. Well, hopefully I'll see some results!

Day 28 lands on my birthday, on which day the champagne will be free flowing!
Wish me luck, or don't. Either way, it ends with Champagne! :D