Monday, August 27, 2012

Clutter bug

I am in some kind of super declutter, reorganize, downsize mind set. I have been recognizing clothes and items that I don't use much and trying to sell them, making space for the things I do do more often. It's great and terrible all at once, as I LOVE getting organized, but I HATE the mess and amount of work it takes to get there.

First of all, realizing that I am not wearing half of my clothes right now, I've packed up my 'I'm fit' clothes into the very same garbage bag that housed my 'I'm rolly' clothes, and discarded many clothes that even when I am fit, I don't particularly wear due to the fact there are so many other great things to choose from!

I've got half the bedroom closet done, (shirts and dresses) and moving on, I'll be doing the tops and skirts next. I have these mixed feelings of bitterness and cleanliness! Not having to house two differently sized wardrobes at all times would be nice! But I do it to save money when I inevitably gain back all lost weight. There's the bitterness. If I could just maintain a weight, I could have one HUGE wardrobe ;) But then again, it gets sloppy and what's the point of keeping things that I don't wear.

Other than clothes, I've been downsizing the amount of recreational and home decor stuff I have. My piano, my saxophone, my Beatles Rock Band set (soon to go), room divider, etc. I just don't seem to make time for this stuff like I do for playing board games and video games, so it was time for them to go-go.

With technology moving forward, we copied all of my movies and music to Bry's external hard drive, and are now selling off my DVDs and CDs. HUGE space saver. Though we've watched one movie so far where the automatic subtitles that would play were some how erased, so we had a bit of fun paraphrasing what the actors were saying. This was actually a really good measure for how well an actor matched his hand and body gestures to what they are saying. Also a good measure of how much my Grade 8 French stuck. Not great, but surprisingly not bad!

It's hard to let things go. Especially those little treasures that were found or given as gifts. But when  you live in a 1 bedroom apartment  it's all about the quality and quantity of use vs. "I like it". The space is really coming together nice, and it's brilliant to walk into our storage and be able to easily (at least somewhat) access what we need. Bry-man has been given many a task to complete in the 'prettying' of our apartment, which a new drill has helped encourage, and make it a bit easier.

I'll be happy when its done, and I move on to my next project!