Friday, August 24, 2012

This isn't living...

5 days... I want to say I've noticed a difference, but I don't think my body works that fast. This diet though is starting to feel very ... I dunno, boring seems like the best word to describe it.

Remember, that for almost an entire year now, I have eaten the same breakfast, the same 3 mini-meals consisting of fruit and protein, and the same chicken salad for dinner with some exception as a treat, and I didn't find THAT boring.

This fella eats some random things for dinner, but the same thing for breakfast and lunch everyday! I LOVE salad, but even I find salad for two meals a day tedious.

I remember being hungry in the first week, and I am again this time. I go to bed a wee bit hungry, but I know that this is about re-training my indulgent tummy to need less food. But this guy is eating the same vegetables all day, no fruit, no full grains. Something in my head is screaming that this is not an healthy way to lose weight.And again, it's kinda boring.

So what to do? I think I am going to use both diets, mashed up and see if that makes me a little happier. A little of this, a little of that is always the magic recipe that my honey uses to whip up his delightful meals in the kitchen.

*I'll keep the 'no booze' aspect. That's just good for my wallet.
*I'll keep the 'monster salad' for dinner, since that is essentially what I do regularly anyways.
*I'll keep up the 'no sugar', but revise it so that it's more about no 'refined sugar' and allow myself some fruit as a treat.
*I'll introduce some whole grains to my breakfast because I can't cook omelets at work and really wasn't enjoying having the same veg in my omelet that I had in my salad for the TWO meals!
*I'll have to figure out some of the smaller meals, but I will keep fruit and dairy to a minimum. - this will need a bit more thought.

What really prompted me to write this today was the 'going away' party that occurred for a co-worker. One of my favorite treats, in steady competition with Peanut-butter cups, is mini coconut cupcakes from 'Cupcakes'. I FRAKKIN' love these tiny crack-cakes and there they were just asking to be devoured by me. I was literally huffing the smell of them as I passed them on. Believe it or not that actually helped me with my will-power. Yes they would be delicious but it would also make me feel guilty. But I DID pass them on.

I was proud of myself, true, but the denial of pleasure I would have derived from that decadent morsel made me question why I am doing this. I am a FOODIE people! I LOVE food. Next to my loved ones, it's my passion. I watch the Food Network religiously and believe that it's the only reason to have cable other than "Game of Thrones". (If I could have HBO and Food Network only, I'd be a happy customer - hint hint ROGERS). Anyways, this whole denial thing feels terrible. Isn't this why we live? To indulge in what makes us most happy?

Ultimately, I think my lesson learned here is portion control. I eat pretty healthy most days, but when I indulge I indulge BIG, so let's see how I do with moderation. :)

Here's to happy tummies.