Friday, February 24, 2012

Size is almost always exaggerated in memory

I re-visited my preferred cheap eats joint on Thursday before my first class in Technical writing. Thinking that this would enhance my 'student' cred. by eating at a cheap food joint. Of course I basically would have eaten there anyways because I'm a cheap mo'fo, and the beer that I paid 6$ for definitely trumped the savings I would have been trying to achieve were I an actual student on a budget.  Or would it?

Though it was about 8 years ago that I was last in school, I seem to recall buying the 1$ pack of Mr. Noodles at Superstore for dinner, because I was on a 'budget', and then going out and buying a 12 pack of beer for the 3rd time that week. As a student, you quickly learn your priorities.

The Fries were bigger.
Well, there I was sitting down to enjoy my Crispy Chicken Ceaser wrap having craved one ALL day, and when the damn thing arrived, I felt like the blushing virgin on her wedding night who has been fantasizing about the endowment of her man, only to spot a teeny weeny peni. (not that there isn't truth to 'its not the size it's how you use it', creativity props) ... (This is why its always good to inspect goods before committing, btw). Anyways, I had previously given such a glowing review of the Warehouse and it's ceasar wrap when reviewing the cheap eats joints, I felt it only fair to note that the $5.95 wrap at 'Moose' WAS in fact the same size-ish as 'The Warehouse'. It's my duty to give credit where credit is due. Or in this case, just about no credit to anyone regarding size. It's just frickin' lettuce, dressing, a bit of parmesan, a few crumbs of bacon, and maybe some cheap chicken parts, they could afford to be a bit more generous.  Sort of like how I was being generous to The Warehouse. ;)