Monday, February 13, 2012

Monday .... monday

Ugh. I DID NOT get enough sleep this weekend.

Friday Bry-man and I hosted a friend of ours to a night of board games and drinking. And BOY does he drink. Impressive really. Not that I would be interested in keeping up with him. But it's quite entertaining to watch it occur before your eyes. Until he picks up the sword.... luckily no one was hurt, including my sword.

But yea, stayed up too late playing games, and couldn't seem to sleep in Saturday morning. :( I REALLY love sleep, I do, but sometimes when I know someone else is in my house (such as a drunk friend staying over) I can't be entirely comfortable. I'm always listening to see if they are up. So, I lay awake listening to Bry-man sleep. We bought this insane air mattress for when we have guests over. It's like having a queen sized bed in our living room. I discovered just how comfy it was as I took a test drive on it after we let the sucker blow ITSELF up! :) It has a built in motor. It says we aren't supposed to use it outdoors, but this thing WILL be going into my tent when I go camping. Yay luxury.

Managed a wee bit more shut-eye, before I joined the ladies in my immediate family for a quick outing to Costco. Man-alive I could wander the aisles of Costco for hours. And often do. SOOOOO many bulk items. So many different THINGS I never knew I HAD to have! For instance, there were some beautiful place mats that would match our dining room table (and protect it) 8 for $11.00.  *yoink* and then we came across these Chef mats for the kitchen. I stood on one quickly and BAM, instant relief in my knees and legs. It was blissful, so *yoink* $24.99 and it has a pretty decorative pattern on the waterproof surface that goes nicely in the kitchen. As every trip to Costco does, the bill added up quickly.

We headed to Ladner to play board games with my sister later that evening. And when we got home, I was so tired.....but couldn't sleep.*sigh* Bry-man said he wasn't tired at all, and then proceeded to fall asleep in about 2.5 seconds and I'm sitting there thinking DAMMIT. I wish I could sleep like that when I'm NOT tired. Poor guy was getting sick though, so some snoring kicked in in full stereo. It was about 12:50am before I resigned myself to not beating him up for a window of quiet to slip into my much needed coma. It's not nice to beat up the people you care about.  So I walked into the living room, and set up on the couch. At about 7am, I couldn't sleep all scrunched up any more, and I could still hear sickie through the door, so I watched the final 3 episodes of Battlestar Galactica. So good. So sad it's over. Kara Thrace, and William Adama, and Sol Ty.... I heart you.

By the time Bry-man was up on Sunday, I was starving so, we had some deeeee-lish Sausage and egg sandwiches from Starbucks, and got our lazy on. TRY Starbucks sausage breakie sandwich. I'm hooked. They kick McDs' sandwich in the snatch.

Not that I'd ever complain about having plans, but I truly love a good Sunday off.  We walked to the grocery store and I picked up some ingredients I needed for dinner. I was going to cook Indian again so that we could use up some lovely chutney's I'd made the previous weekend.  I use this wonderful cook book put out by a local Vancouverite : "Everyday Indian: 100 Fast, fresh and Healthy recipes" by Bal Arneson. I've yet to find a single thing in it that ISN'T delicious! It always makes me feel like a Gormet Goddess (which is what my apron says I am) to make homemade roti's first thing in the morning from scratch.

After cooking a huge feast for two, I proceeded to finish our bottle of wine and I completed the campaign (on easy) for Modern Warfare 3. Kicking ass at 'completion'!

And now it's Monday. For a weekend of 'nothing' I'm knackered. Good thing we're going to Vegas this weekend! ;)